Monday, September 12, 2011

Brain Frenzy!!

Before I get started I must warn you as a reader that this blog goes in several different directions today....just like my brain!! 

Whats on the agenda for today?  I have about a million and one ideas running through my head today....sheesh....slow down brain I can't keep up!!  My family of course is at the top of the list and I've been planning Neiley's birthday party which is coming up really soon.  She chose Owls as her theme, which are super cute (I've got to get invitations done and sent out)!!  I have set it up on FB which I love because I'm terrible at getting things in the mail to people, but I wanted to invite her friends from school too so I guess I better go ahead and create some kind of invite.  I've got the cupcakes delegated to someone so that's something to check off my list, but now I need to get some decor together.....I don't want to spend alot of money though.  The kids could care less about decorations!! 
Next on my list of brain frenzy!!  I've been volunteering at the pregnancy crisis center and I thought that this would bring a sense of fullfillment, but it hasn't.  This is something that's truly been on my mind for a few years now and I really thought that I would enjoy giving my time there, I don't know if I missed the boat on that one or maybe God's calling me to another area of service there but I really felt like he was directing me in this decision.  I'm going to continue to pray about it and listen to what he lays on my heart.  Maybe it's just because I've got several other irons in the fire right now, maybe He's calling me to it just not at this very moment, but he continues to place it in my thoughts as to say, don't forget about this.  Please tell me you have felt this way too?
3rd item on my list- It's been about 3 months since our oldest moved out.  And oh my goodness were the scales of my libran personality totally tipped!!!!  But I have regrouped and Thanks to my dear friends and family members who stuck it out for a long ride on the CRAZY train!! Choo choo!!  I'm finally feeling a sense of peace here.  When mom's with experience in this area told me that it was all going to be ok and it really does get better.....I just couldn't imagine how one of my own leaving the house could possible be good.  I mean I'm not a helicopter Mom by any means and I do believe we need to try out our wings, but I just wasn't ready....and I didn't have to kick him out of the nest, he left willingly! LOL!  But listen.....I see it now.....very clearly!  He needed about 3 months to see what life was truly like, making his own decisions, paying his own bills(and yes he does pay his own bills, hasn't asked us for a cent!!  Success in my books, but who's counting) coming home when he felt like it, eating whatever he wanted....whenever.  So now that it's been 3 months, I'm seeing a change.  Not just in me, but him too.  I'm seeing that it's good for us to be apart.  He appreciates what I do for him more now than he used to, he actually calls us and we don't have to call him (BIG smiles).  For me the changes I see in myself is a sense of satisfation that Jeff and I have raised such a wonderful person.  And I'm less freaked out that he has left the house and he's never gonna call us again and he's never gonna want to hangout with us again.  I realize now that I was just lost in a zone of pity, and yes we are all entitled to a little pity party now and then.  But life goes on and we go on with it.
4th thing on the mind- School!!!  UGH!! let's don't even go there......moving on!!
Numero cinco- Church......I don't want to go there today either!
#6- This saturday is Disney on Ice......Toy Story 3 and I have tickets!!! YAY!  Can't wait!  Neiley has no idea and she is gonna be pumped!  Logan will go along for the ride.....Max actually wanted to go, so for a bonus I asked his GF to come along!!  Looks to be a pretty sweet day!!

So.....Right now I'm just trying to figure out how to be the very best me that I can be.  I'm BACK!!  I'm enjoying this precious life that God has blessed me with and smiling through it and most of all enjoying my family!! 

Goodbye Rut....It's been real.....but it hasn't been fun!! 

I have had this song in my head today so I wanted to share with you.
Sheryl Crow- All I wanna do

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