Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Scratching the surface

Father, forgive me when I respond in anger to the difficult people in my life. I really want Your love to flow through me to each sandpaper person with whom I come in contact. Give me Your heart of compassion to feel their pain and then teach me how to look for ways to help ease that pain.
In Jesus’ name,

This was the prayer in my daily devotional today and after the day I had yesterday and some that have occured in the recent past.....well I really need to be on my knees praying this!

We all have those people that we come in contact with. Some of them are people we deeply care about, but they just rub us wrong at times. We are probably someone else's sandpaper person if we want to be totally honest with ourselves....nah, who wants that?! LOL

I have recently been rubbed raw, I mean completely raw. I have thrown in the towel, cried myself to sleep, felt sick to my stomach....over what? Over something that just spun me for a loop. I am and always have been an all or nothing kind of person. I don't know how else to be. When I give all of myself to something or give my time to someone I completely go there, you know what I mean? And when that person doesn't reciprocate or acknowledge that I am trying to be there for them or encourage them, or even that I am simply trying to reach out to them, it just sends me into a tail spin. I really do not relate well to those kinds of people.....I need feedback. I feel that it is a very important and valuable aspect of any relationship. After the short episode of the Young and the Restless in my life......well ok let me be honest.....it wasn't really that short, but this morning after I woke up and realized that the circumstances are what they are and there isn't anything I can do to change them, I started thinking about some other things surrounding this situation. After contemplating over these things I started to look at the whole picture, actually God paused the DVR of my thoughts for a moment to put his thoughts into play. There is a reason for the wall that has been built and I just haven't found the right tools to tear it down yet. And there is a reason for the defiance and I can be compassionate to that. I don't like change either so when things are changing around us and they affect those we love, well they affect us too. If your sandpaper person is a loved one at the moment just embrace it, use it to mold your life. Hopefully in return you will mold theirs too.

How do we avoid scratching (if you're the sandpaper person) and how do we avoid getting scratched? Be compassionate to what is going on in the other persons life right now. What struggles or stresses is he/she dealing with? What changes are occuring in their life right now? I am a selfish person by nature. Most of the time of put myself into situations where heartache is inevidable. But then when my heart is broken I am just flabbergasted....like...WELL, who do they think they are coming up in my life trying to change the rules to the game that I created?! If I only said what was really on my mind and yes at times I have said more than I should have, but I am still a work in progress and I will eventually master my thoughts from falling off of my tongue. I just hope that in the mean time I don't lash too many people out of hurt or anger. I do believe the bible tells us not to let the sun go down on our anger. So that explains it, we may lash out and say things we don't mean, but what are we going to do about it? Apologize, Apologize, Apologize.....as many times as it takes to bring restoration.

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