Thursday, August 18, 2011

Things need to change

I came into the shop this morning, turned on the computer and pulled up Facebook.....I scrolled down a little bit and saw a posting from Jen Hatmaker which is a Christian Author, Speaker, Mom, and Wife.  While reading her blog which pricked my heart I decided to share it with my mom, sister and Bestie, Jamie.  Jamie brought to my attention another post on this blog just below that one called Letting Go.......Oh my goodness.  It spoke to me like it came from God.  Truly, how does this Woman know exactly how I feel?  It was about parenting and church.  Post Moderns.....I suppose I would put myself in that category as well.  Post Modern Christian......Serving outside of the church (wanting to anyway), helping others and being completely real....not fake real, real real!  Showing our children how to reach out to the community and doing it out of the goodness of our hearts for the Love of Jesus Christ.  Sharing what we have so much of with people who only want a little.  I honestly have no idea where I would start.  I can make excuses all day long about how tough of a community Anadarko is and how there are alot of people in this community that just want handouts to pacify them until the next binge.  We have people living on our streets who drink Listerine just to make it through the day.....and I have no idea what it really means to reach out because honestly I'm just as guilty as anybody for the crime of turning my cheek.  This really feels like a rant, but I don't want it to be.  I want to be a part of something bigger, better, more and I want that for my children!!  I don't want to continue on the path of serving the saved.  I'm by no means discounting the fact that the saved need to be ministered to as well....we all deal with day to day life....loss of jobs, family members, etc.....But what if we all just took the focus off of ourselves long enough to help someone else?  Maybe then our momentary troubles wouldn't seem so bad.....its a simple concept but one I tend to forget....ALOT.  So instead of just sitting back and ranting I'm starting the change with me.....I'm going to start volunteering some time at the pregnancy crisis center.  I'm not telling you this so you can pat me on the it.....I'm just simply stating that I'm going to act on my feelings and this is the place I need to start.  I need to be the change I want to see!!

Here is a link to Jen Hatmakers website and her blog!  I hope she inspires you as much as she does me.


Unknown said...

WOW! How powerfull! Dont we all need to read this somedays! Thanks Kami that was awsome!
Is there a pregnancy aid center in Anadarko? Were is it and are they open on Saturdays? I have been wanting to vol at one but the once I have found are only open during the week, and I work!

Kami said...

The one here in Anadarko is on Kentucky and 5th street. But it's only open on Mon and Thurs from 1-4 so it does limit on volunteering. It would be great if they could do Saturdays!